Yr Eglwys Fethodistaidd yng Nghymru
The Methodist Church in Wales
Welcome to the website of
Wales Synod Cymru
Wales Synod Cymru represents the work and witness of the Methodist Church in Wales. We consist of some 216 churches and chapels worshipping and witnessing in both languages in 16 Circuits across Wales.
The website is designed to provide you with an introduction to key people in the life of the Synod, information about the way the Synod works, events in the Synod Diary, items of news and interest in the life of the Synod, and copies of Synod Policies and Minutes of its meetings.
Wales Synod Cymru is also part of the wider British Methodist Church which works across England, Scotland and Wales. To go to the main Methodist Church website click here
Wales Synod Cymru is pleased to support the work of the Amelia Trust Farm in the Vale of Glamorgan. To access the Farm website click here
O Dduw ein Creawdwr,
fel y glöwr yn cloddio dan ddaear a’r chwarelwr yn naddu wyneb y llechen, rwyt ti ar waith i ddarganfod trysor mewn mannau annisgwyl. Boed i ni gynhyrchu rhywbeth hardd i ti, hyd yn oed o’r tywyllwch a’r oerni, fel y dygom ogoniant i’th enw ac er mwyn dyfodiad dy Deyrnas.
Jennifer Hurd
District Chair, Wales Synod Cymru
O God our Creator,
like the collier digging underground and the quarryman chiselling the face of the slate, you are at work to discover treasure in unexpected places. May we produce something beautiful for you, even from the darkness and the coldness, that we may bring glory to your name and for the sake of the coming of your kingdom.
Jennifer Hurd
District Chair, Wales Synod Cymru